We are member of Wood Preservation Association (WPA). Our Premium Range machine rounded and impregnated products are certified under the WPA auditing scheme and are valid to carry “Benchmark” logo. That means our treatment operations have been assessed and certified as meeting requirements of WPA Benchmark Quality Scheme for the preservative impregnation of the softwood components in accordance with the standards and practices defined in the WPA manual. Palmako AS is the first non-UK producer to be awarded this accolade.
Since 2017 Palmako AS is NTR A and NTR AB-certified. The NTR certificate for wood impregnation confirms that our company is entitled to impregnate sawn and round wood with the chemical Impralit-KDS according to the requirements of the NTR (Nordic Wood Preservation Council), which is responsible for ensuring the proper and responsible use of wood preservatives and execution of the vacuum-pressure method.
Our impregnated products are certified as following:
- Preservation classes (EN 335): NTR AB (UC3) and NTR A (UC4)
- Penetration class (EN 351): NP 5
- Wood preservative: Impralit-KDS
As a company that is constantly developing, Palmako AS puts great emphasis on environmentally friendly thinking. Since 2004 our enterprise has been FSC-certified and so we are doing our share for sustainable forestry. We offer FSC-timber products at client’s request and for larger orders. Products made from FSC-timber have been marked in the product catalogues with FSC logo.
Palmako AS public policy regarding exclusion of illegal and controversial timber:
It is the policy of AS Palmako to avoid using wood that has been illegally harvested; wood from genetically modified trees; wood from areas where traditional or civil rights are violated; and wood from uncertified high conservation value old-growth forests, as described in the current FSC PBC policy, when applying the FSC policy.
We have appointed a contact person responsible for implementing this policy. Our purchasing manager can be contacted regarding any aspects of this policy for clarification. Present policy is public and provided to anybody upon request. Our purchasing manager is willing to explain the background for this policy to any interested party.
If we are informed by third parties based on solid evidence that any of our suppliers are providing us with illegal or controversial timber, we promise to promptly take appropriate actions. Actions may include stopping purchases from such sources or follow up activities with the supplier to explain our policy and avoid future cases.
We encourage outside parties to contact us if it becomes known that timber supplied to us is illegal or originating from unacceptable sources. We are committed to paying attention to any such claim that is sufficiently backed up by evidence.